Odesa Under Siege: Civilian Infrastructure Attacked in Russian Assault

A Russian assault on Ukraine's southern city of Odesa targeted civilian infrastructure and led to casualties, according to the regional governor. The Ukrainian interior ministry shared images of smoke and emergency efforts to control the fire. The Odesa air force had previously warned residents of potential missile threats.

Reuters | Kyiv | Updated: 24-06-2024 12:12 IST | Created: 24-06-2024 12:12 IST
Odesa Under Siege: Civilian Infrastructure Attacked in Russian Assault
  • Country:
  • Ukraine

A Russian attack on Ukraine's southern city of Odesa on Monday struck civilian infrastructure and caused casualties, the region's governor said on the Telegram messaging app. Ukraine's interior ministry published photographs of a massive cloud of smoke rising from the site where emergency services were working to put out a fire.

The Ukrainian air force had warned the city's residents of the threat of incoming missiles before the explosions sounded. Odesa has been a frequent target of Russian forces in the 28-month-old full-scale invasion, with many attacks aimed at the city's port facilities. Russia denies targeting civilians or civilian infrastructure.

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