US Invites Israel and Arab Ministers to NATO Summit

The United States has extended invitations to the foreign ministers of Israel and several Arab countries for an upcoming NATO summit in Washington. The summit will also include leaders from 32 NATO allies and Indo-Pacific partners such as Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea.

Reuters | Updated: 28-06-2024 09:49 IST | Created: 28-06-2024 09:49 IST
US Invites Israel and Arab Ministers to NATO Summit

The United States has invited the foreign ministers of Israel and several Arab countries to a NATO summit in Washington next month, the Financial Times said on Friday.

"Secretary-General Stoltenberg has invited heads of state and government of all 32 allies, plus the leaders of our Indo-Pacific partners," the paper said, citing a statement by a NATO official.

It listed Australia, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea as Indo-Pacific partners.

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