Hawaii's Landmark Settlement: Youth Plaintiffs Triumph in Climate Lawsuit

Hawaii's governor and youth plaintiffs announced a settlement in a lawsuit alleging the state violated the constitution by operating a climate-damaging transportation system. The agreement recognizes children's rights to a life-sustaining climate and commits to net-negative emissions by 2045. It is the first such settlement addressing constitutional climate issues.

PTI | Honolulu | Updated: 21-06-2024 10:24 IST | Created: 21-06-2024 10:24 IST
Hawaii's Landmark Settlement: Youth Plaintiffs Triumph in Climate Lawsuit
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Hawaii's governor and representatives for youth plaintiffs disclosed on Thursday a groundbreaking settlement of a lawsuit claiming that Hawaii's transportation system infringed on constitutional principles by harming the climate.

The agreement in Navahine v. Hawaii Department of Transportation affirms that children have constitutional rights to a climate that supports life, according to Gov. Josh Green and public interest law firms Our Children's Trust and Earthjustice. This settlement compels the department to strategize and implement measures targeting net-negative emissions by 2045, as stated by the governor.

The settlement is historic, marking the first time a state has conceded to youth plaintiffs on climate-related constitutional grounds. The complaint involved youths aged 9 to 18, highlighting the state's priority of highway constructions over diverse transportation methods.

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