Sri Lanka's Economic Revival: A Journey of Resilience and International Aid

Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe expressed gratitude to India and Bangladesh for their crucial financial support during the country's economic crisis. He highlighted that this aid was fundamental in stabilising the nation. Wickremesinghe outlined ambitious economic targets, underscoring the importance of sustained international partnerships for Sri Lanka's recovery.

PTI | Colombo | Updated: 13-06-2024 21:20 IST | Created: 13-06-2024 21:20 IST
Sri Lanka's Economic Revival: A Journey of Resilience and International Aid
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Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe has expressed profound gratitude toward India and Bangladesh for their critical financial support during the height of the nation's economic crisis. At the 45th SAARCFINANCE Governors' Meeting and Symposium, he emphasized that the aid from these countries, alongside contributions from USAID and the World Bank, was crucial in averting economic collapse.

In his keynote address, Wickremesinghe highlighted the pivotal role of the Reserve Bank of India and the Central Bank of Bangladesh, whose support proved to be lifesaving. 'Without that, we wouldn't be here today; there would have been chaos,' the president stated, reinforcing the indispensable nature of international cooperation in Sri Lanka's economic stabilization.

Wickremesinghe also expounded on Sri Lanka's roadmap for economic transformation, featuring ambitious targets such as achieving a 5% annual GDP growth by 2027, reducing unemployment below 5% by 2025, and increasing female labor force participation significantly by 2030. The imminent approval of the Economic Transformation Bill aims to encapsulate these goals within the constitutional framework, driving the nation toward sustained growth and development.

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