Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone Joins Michael Johnson's Grand Slam Track League

Olympic champion and 400m hurdles world record holder Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone is the first athlete to join Michael Johnson's new global track league, Grand Slam Track. Launching in 2025 with a promise of $12.6 million in prize money, the league aims to provide athletes with better compensation and more competition opportunities.

Reuters | Updated: 19-06-2024 00:57 IST | Created: 19-06-2024 00:57 IST
Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone Joins Michael Johnson's Grand Slam Track League

Olympic champion and 400 metres hurdles world record holder Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone has become the first athlete to sign with Michael Johnson's new global track league, Grand Slam Track, the retired great announced on Tuesday. The circuit will launch in 2025 with four meets annually, promising $12.6 million in prize money across the events.

"It's going to elevate the platforms of the athletes that compete more than once every four years... and just give opportunities for athletes to be compensated for the hard work we put in," McLaughlin-Levrone said at a launch event for the new circuit. Competitors will race in two events at each meet, called "slams", with categories spread across "short sprints", "short hurdles", "long sprints", "long hurdles", "short distance" and "long distance."

Athletes will be able to take home as much as $100,000 in prize money at an event, and will also receive base compensation and appearance fees. Athlete pay has become a hot topic in the sport after World Athletics announced it would offer prize money to Olympic gold medallists beginning in Paris, and Johnson said the league's approach would help promote competition.

"They deserve to be compensated," said the four-time Olympic gold medallist. "The structure of the sport in the past has not compensated those athletes to take that risk to go and compete against the best athletes in the sport."

The meets will take place in the spring and summer season. Los Angeles will play host to one of the meets, while at least two of the remaining three will take place outside the United States.

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