Bolivian Democracy at Risk: President Alerts of Irregular Troop Move

Bolivian President Luis Arce has warned of an 'irregular' troop deployment in the capital, indicating concerns over a potential coup. This follows footage of tanks and soldiers appearing near the government palace. Former President Evo Morales has similarly condemned the military's movement, suggesting a coup ‘in the making’.

PTI | Lapaz | Updated: 27-06-2024 01:44 IST | Created: 27-06-2024 01:44 IST
Bolivian Democracy at Risk: President Alerts of Irregular Troop Move
Luis Arce

Bolivian President Luis Arce has sounded an alarm over what he described as an 'irregular' deployment of troops in the capital, raising fears of a looming coup.

In a message posted on his X account, Arce urged that 'democracy be respected,' coinciding with Bolivian TV images showing tanks and military personnel stationed outside the government palace.

Former President Evo Morales echoed these concerns, describing the military's movement in Murillo Square as a coup 'in the making' through his own message on X.

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