Biden vs. Trump: The 2024 First Presidential Debate Sparks Fiery Exchanges

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump had their first 2024 presidential debate, immediately diving into economic policy without shaking hands. They clashed on abortion rights and the Capitol riot, each defending their actions and policies. Biden criticized Trump for his Supreme Court appointments and the Jan. 6 riot, while Trump blamed Biden for inflation.

PTI | Phoenix | Updated: 28-06-2024 08:30 IST | Created: 28-06-2024 08:30 IST
Biden vs. Trump: The 2024 First Presidential Debate Sparks Fiery Exchanges
  • Country:
  • United States

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump clashed in their first 2024 presidential debate, sidestepping tradition by avoiding a handshake and launching directly into policy discussions.

The economy emerged as a primary battleground. Biden, speaking in a hoarse voice, credited his administration with rescuing the economy from 'free fall' and 'chaos,' a subtle nod to Trump's tenure. Trump, listening with a bemused expression, refrained from interrupting, owing to a muted microphone. When given the floor, Trump nostalgically reminisced about the strong economic indicators during his presidency, attributing inflation woes to Biden's policies. 'Inflation is killing our country,' Trump said.

The debate intensified over abortion rights. Biden condemned Trump's Supreme Court appointments for reversing Roe v. Wade, which had secured national abortion rights, promising to restore those protections. Countering, Trump defended the delegation of abortion laws to the states, asserting that Democrats are the extremists. The debate further heated over Trump's role in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, with Biden slamming Trump for his lies and casting blame on others.

'The only person on this stage that's a convicted felon is the man I'm looking at right now,' Biden bluntly stated.

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