Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Excommunicated Over Schism Charges

Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a vocal critic of Pope Francis, has been excommunicated for schism. The Vatican's doctrinal office issued the decision following his refusal to recognize the pope's legitimacy and subsequent accusations. Vigano, who has been in hiding since 2018, continues to challenge Vatican authority.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Updated: 05-07-2024 19:25 IST | Created: 05-07-2024 19:25 IST
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Excommunicated Over Schism Charges

Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a fierce ultra-conservative critic of Pope Francis, has been excommunicated after being found guilty of schism, according to the Vatican's doctrinal office on Friday. Vigano, who served as the papal envoy in Washington from 2011-2016, went into hiding in 2018 after accusing the pope of ignoring allegations of sexual misconduct by U.S Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.

Vigano called for the pope's resignation, branding him a 'false prophet' and a 'servant of Satan.' The Vatican vehemently denied these accusations and recently summoned Vigano to answer charges of schism and questioning the pope's legitimacy. On Friday, the doctrinal office announced that Vigano's refusal to submit to Pope Francis was unequivocally demonstrated through his public statements. 'At the conclusion of the penal process, the Most Reverend Carlo Maria Vigano was found guilty of the reserved delict (violation of the law) of schism,' the statement read, confirming his excommunication from the Church.

Vigano was informed of the decision on Friday, as per the Vatican dicastery. Although the statement didn't mention the pope, it's highly unlikely that the excommunication was decided without Francis' approval. Vigano, who mainly communicates via the X social network, did not immediately respond to the decision. Just last week, he declared that he refused to participate in the disciplinary proceedings because he did not acknowledge the legitimacy of the governing institutions. He explicitly rejected the authority of the tribunal and its leaders, including Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez and Pope Francis, whom he referred to by his surname, 'Bergoglio.'

Vigano accused Pope Francis of promoting an 'inclusive, immigrationist, eco-sustainable, and gay-friendly' Church, diverging from its true message. The pope has often irked conservatives by advocating for marginalized communities, including divorcees and the LGBT community, and emphasizing mercy and forgiveness over rigid adherence to doctrine. Additionally, his stances on migrant rights, climate change, and capitalism have put him at odds with traditionalists. Last year, Pope Francis took action against another conservative critic by dismissing Bishop Joseph E. Strickland of Tyler, Texas, following a Vatican investigation.

(Disclaimer: With inputs from agencies.)

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