Vatican Excommunicates Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano for Schism

Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a prominent critic of Pope Francis, has been excommunicated by the Vatican for schism. Vigano, who had accused the pope of covering up sexual misconduct by an American cardinal, refused to participate in the disciplinary proceedings, rejecting the tribunal's legitimacy.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Updated: 05-07-2024 17:21 IST | Created: 05-07-2024 17:21 IST
Vatican Excommunicates Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano for Schism

Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a fierce ultra-conservative critic of Pope Francis, has been excommunicated for schism, according to a statement from the Vatican's doctrinal office on Friday.

Vigano, who served as the papal envoy in Washington from 2011-2016, went into hiding in 2018 after alleging that Pope Francis had known for years about the sexual misconduct of an American cardinal and failed to act. He called for the pope's resignation, labeling him a 'false prophet' and 'servant of Satan.'

The Vatican denied any cover-up of sexual misconduct, and last month summoned Vigano to answer charges of schism and denying the pope's legitimacy. The doctrinal office's statement on Friday noted that Vigano's public statements clearly showed his refusal to recognize and submit to Pope Francis.

'At the conclusion of the penal process, the Most Reverend Carlo Maria Vigano was found guilty of the reserved delict (violation of the law) of schism,' the statement read, adding that he had been excommunicated from the Church. Vigano had refused to participate in the disciplinary proceedings, rejecting the authority of the tribunal and its officials.

(Disclaimer: With inputs from agencies.)

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