Vatican Excommunicates Archbishop Vigano for Schism

The Vatican has excommunicated Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano for schism after he refused to recognize Pope Francis and rejected the Second Vatican Council's authority. Vigano, a vocal critic of Francis, had gained a following among conservatives and conspiracy theorists. The excommunication formally expels him from the church.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Rome | Updated: 05-07-2024 18:23 IST | Created: 05-07-2024 18:23 IST
Vatican Excommunicates Archbishop Vigano for Schism
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The Vatican has excommunicated its former ambassador to the U.S., Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, after finding him guilty of schism. This decision marks the end of a long and contentious relationship between Vigano and the Catholic hierarchy.

The decision was made by the Vatican's doctrine office following a Thursday meeting. The Vatican cited Vigano's refusal to submit to Pope Francis and his rejection of the Second Vatican Council's authority as reasons for the excommunication. This means that Vigano is formally outside the church and cannot participate in its sacraments.

Vigano had built a following among conservative Catholics and conspiracy theorists, often criticizing Francis and the church's direction. Despite being aware of the impending schism declaration, Vigano defiantly called it an honor and refused to defend himself. His excommunication is a significant moment in the ongoing clash between traditionalist and progressive elements within the Catholic Church.

(Disclaimer: With inputs from agencies.)

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