BTC vs USDT as Quote Currency

Zarah Acebedo | Updated: 31-08-2024 12:39 IST | Created: 31-08-2024 12:39 IST
BTC vs USDT as Quote Currency
Image Credit: Unsplash

In cryptocurrency trading, understanding the concepts of quote and base currencies is crucial. This article will explore the differences between using Bitcoin (BTC) and Tether (USDT) as quote currencies, and clarify some common terms and practices in crypto trading.

What Are Quote & Base Currencies?

In any trading pair, there are two currencies involved:

  1. Base Currency: This is the asset you're looking to buy or sell. It's usually listed first in a trading pair.
  2. Quote Currency: This is the asset used to price the base currency. It's usually listed second in a trading pair.

For example, in the trading pair BTC/USD, Bitcoin (BTC) is the base currency, and US Dollar (USD) is the quote currency. The price shows how many units of the quote currency are needed to purchase one unit of the base currency.

What Is USDT Currency?

USDT, or Tether, is a type of cryptocurrency known as a stablecoin. It's designed to maintain a stable value relative to the US Dollar, with one USDT theoretically always worth one USD. 

Key points about USDT:

  • It's widely used in crypto trading as a less volatile alternative to other cryptocurrencies.
  • It allows traders to hold a crypto asset pegged to USD without converting to fiat currency.
  • USDT is often used as a quote currency in trading pairs.

What Is BTC?

BTC is the ticker symbol for Bitcoin, the world's first and most well-known cryptocurrency. 

Some key aspects of BTC:

  • It's a decentralized digital currency, operating without a central bank or administrator.
  • BTC has a capped supply of 21 million coins, making it a deflationary asset.
  • It's widely traded and can be used as both a base and quote currency in trading pairs.

BTC/USDT Meaning

The trading pair BTC/USDT represents Bitcoin priced in Tether. In this pair:

  • BTC is the base currency (what you're buying or selling)
  • USDT is the quote currency (what you're using to price BTC)

For example, if BTC/USDT is trading at 30,000, it means one Bitcoin is worth 30,000 USDT.


Converting USDT to BTC means you're buying Bitcoin using Tether. You would look at the BTC/USDT pair and see how much BTC you can get for your USDT. For instance, if you have 3,000 USDT and BTC/USDT is trading at 30,000, you could buy 0.1 BTC.

USDT BTC and BTC USDT Difference

The main difference between USDT/BTC and BTC/USDT is which currency is being used as the base and which as the quote:

  1. USDT/BTC:
    • USDT is the base currency
    • BTC is the quote currency
    • The price shows how much BTC you need to buy 1 USDT
    • Less commonly used
  2. BTC/USDT:
    • BTC is the base currency
    • USDT is the quote currency
    • The price shows how much USDT you need to buy 1 BTC
    • More commonly used

In practice, BTC/USDT is much more commonly used because it's easier for most traders to conceptualize Bitcoin's price in terms of a stable currency like USDT.

Understanding these concepts and differences is crucial for navigating the cryptocurrency trading landscape. Whether you're using BTC or USDT as your quote currency, always ensure you understand the implications of the trading pair you're using.

Trading Both BTC & USDT 

Both Bitcoin (BTC) and Tether (USDT) are widely traded cryptocurrencies, available on numerous exchanges and trading platforms. Here's an overview of where and how you can trade these assets:

Major Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Most major cryptocurrency exchanges offer trading pairs with both BTC and USDT. Some popular exchanges include:

  1. Binance
  2. Coinbase
  3. Kraken
  4. Huobi
  5. KuCoin

These exchanges typically offer a variety of trading pairs, including BTC/USDT, as well as pairs of each with other cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies.

Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs)

For those preferring non-custodial trading, decentralized exchanges like Uniswap, SushiSwap, and PancakeSwap offer trading options for BTC (usually in wrapped form on Ethereum or other blockchains) and USDT.

Trading Platforms and Aggregators

Trading platforms and aggregators provide additional tools and features for traders. One notable example is Bitsgap.

Bitsgap is a comprehensive trading platform and aggregator that connects to more than 15 exchanges, offering several advantages for trading BTC, USDT, and other cryptocurrencies:

  1. Multi-Exchange Access: Bitsgap allows you to trade on multiple exchanges from a single interface, potentially providing better liquidity and pricing.
  2. Advanced Trading Tools: The platform offers tools like a portfolio manager and trading bots, which can help capitalize on the price movements of both BTC and USDT.
  3. Risk Management: Bitsgap provides features like stop-loss and take-profit orders across multiple exchanges, helping manage risk in volatile crypto markets.
  4. Market Analysis: The platform offers charting tools and market analysis features to help inform trading decisions for both BTC and USDT pairs.

Considerations When Trading BTC and USDT

  1. Volatility: Remember that while USDT is designed to be stable, BTC can be highly volatile. This can create both opportunities and risks.
  2. Liquidity: BTC/USDT is often one of the most liquid trading pairs in the crypto market, which can mean tighter spreads and easier execution of large orders.
  3. Fees: Different platforms have different fee structures. Some may offer lower fees for high-volume traders or for using their native tokens.
  4. Security: Always prioritize security when choosing where to trade. Use reputable exchanges and consider using hardware wallets for long-term storage.
  5. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure you're complying with local regulations when trading cryptocurrencies.

By understanding the trading landscape for both BTC and USDT, and utilizing tools like those offered by Bitsgap, traders can potentially capitalize on the unique characteristics of both assets in the crypto market.


As we've explored throughout this article, understanding the dynamics of BTC and USDT as quote currencies is crucial for navigating the cryptocurrency trading landscape. At the heart of this understanding lies the concept of base and quote currencies in trading pairs. The base currency is the asset you're looking to buy or sell, while the quote currency is used to price the base currency.

In the context of Bitcoin and Tether, we've seen how these two cryptocurrencies can play different roles in trading pairs. Bitcoin, as the world's first and most renowned cryptocurrency, often serves as a base currency. Its volatility and potential for appreciation make it an attractive asset for many traders. On the other hand, Tether, designed to maintain a stable value relative to the US Dollar, frequently acts as a quote currency, providing a stable reference point for pricing other cryptocurrencies.

As we've discussed, numerous platforms exist for trading both BTC and USDT, from major centralized exchanges to decentralized platforms. Tools like Bitsgap further enhance the trading experience by providing access to multiple exchanges and advanced features for capitalizing on price movements.

(Devdiscourse's journalists were not involved in the production of this article. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Devdiscourse and Devdiscourse does not claim any responsibility for the same.)

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