PM Luxon Welcomes Chinese Premier Li Qiang for Milestone Visit

"The visit of Premier Li underscores the deep economic ties between our nations, highlighted by bilateral trade valued at nearly $38 billion," stated Mr. Luxon.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Wellington | Updated: 13-06-2024 14:24 IST | Created: 13-06-2024 14:24 IST
PM  Luxon Welcomes Chinese Premier Li Qiang for Milestone Visit
Mr. Luxon stressed New Zealand's commitment to supporting Pacific priorities and strengthening regional organizations, notably the Pacific Islands Forum. Image Credit: Flickr
  • Country:
  • New Zealand

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon of New Zealand welcomed Chinese Premier Li Qiang to Wellington for his inaugural official visit, commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between New Zealand and China.

"The visit of Premier Li underscores the deep economic ties between our nations, highlighted by bilateral trade valued at nearly $38 billion," stated Mr. Luxon. "Our discussions emphasized the importance of innovation in maximizing the value of Kiwi products and services within the Chinese market."

Both leaders reaffirmed the significance of enduring people-to-people connections, which enhance cooperation across shared interests such as climate change, education, sport, and conservation.

"I took the opportunity to address important issues reflecting New Zealand's core values, including human rights and concerns about foreign interference," Mr. Luxon affirmed. "We remain committed to engaging with China predictably and consistently, including on matters where we may have differences."

Mr. Luxon stressed New Zealand's commitment to supporting Pacific priorities and strengthening regional organizations, notably the Pacific Islands Forum. He underscored the value of a rules-based international system and encouraged China's constructive role in global security challenges.

"Our dialogue encompassed the Indo-Pacific region, critical to New Zealand's security and economic interests. I conveyed our concerns regarding the strategic environment, including developments in the South China Sea," Mr. Luxon noted.

In reaffirming New Zealand's adherence to the One China Policy, Mr. Luxon expressed interest in the peaceful resolution of issues concerning the Taiwan Strait.

The meeting concluded with the issuance of a Joint Statement and the signing of several agreements aimed at fostering closer cooperation. These include initiatives in trade facilitation, climate change, infant formula cooperation, business environment optimization, patent prosecution, and conservation efforts for migratory birds.

The dialogue between Prime Minister Luxon and Premier Li reflects a commitment to strengthening bilateral relations and addressing regional and global challenges through constructive engagement and cooperation.

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