Tech Mahindra: Weaving the Future with AI

Tech Mahindra Chairman Anand Mahindra emphasizes the pivotal role of technology and AI in driving the future vision of organizations. Citing Tech Mahindra's strategic roadmap, Mahindra underscores the company's preparedness to integrate AI into core business functions, heralding a new era of technological growth and innovation.

PTI | New Delhi | Updated: 28-06-2024 15:32 IST | Created: 28-06-2024 15:32 IST
Tech Mahindra: Weaving the Future with AI
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In the latest Tech Mahindra annual report, Chairman Anand Mahindra descried technology as the 'Golden Thread' linking an organization's current efforts with its future vision. He highlighted the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing this connection.

Mahindra emphasized a strategic roadmap that positions Tech Mahindra to 'Scale at Speed.' Under new leadership, the IT giant aims to integrate AI seamlessly into business functions, expecting this blend to revolutionize customer engagement and industry-specific solutions.

Reflecting on past successes and future goals, Mahindra suggests that Tech Mahindra's agility and preparation are key to navigating future challenges. He confidently cites the company's history and the experience of its leadership as strong indicators of forthcoming growth.

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