Monsoon Havoc: Delhi's Record Rainfall Brings City to Standstill

The monsoon's sudden arrival devastated Delhi, collapsing the roof of Terminal-1, claiming lives, and inundating the city. Commuters were stranded, homes flooded, and traffic snarled. The intense rain surpassed historical records, prompting the government to take emergency action and creating political ripples across the city.

PTI | New Delhi | Updated: 28-06-2024 18:46 IST | Created: 28-06-2024 18:46 IST
Monsoon Havoc: Delhi's Record Rainfall Brings City to Standstill
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The monsoon stormed into Delhi on Friday, unleashing a torrent of destruction that inundated the unprepared metropolis. A three-hour downpour led to the collapse of Terminal-1's roof at Delhi airport, resulting in one fatality and the suspension of flight operations. The impact was felt across the city, with many areas submerged under water.

The relentless early morning rain threw India's capital into chaos, claiming another life when a 39-year-old man was electrocuted in Rohini. The collapse of an under-construction wall in Vasant Vihar trapped three laborers, with rescue operations continuing until evening as hopes for their survival faded.

Residents awoke to a rain-soaked city with homes, vehicles, and key tunnels submerged, causing severe traffic snarls and stranding thousands of commuters. The Pragati Maidan tunnel and other key routes were closed, and reports of flooding came from Lutyens Delhi, Hauz Khas, and other upscale neighborhoods.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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