Delhi Drenched: Environment Minister Blames Plastic Waste for Flooded Streets

Union Environment Minister Bhupender Yadav criticized the Delhi government for waterlogging issues caused by plastic waste clogging drains after heavy rains. Despite reminders, the government remained inactive. The Safdarjung Observatory recorded 228.1 mm of rainfall in 24 hours, highlighting severe drainage problems.

PTI | New Delhi | Updated: 28-06-2024 13:51 IST | Created: 28-06-2024 13:51 IST
Delhi Drenched: Environment Minister Blames Plastic Waste for Flooded Streets
Bhupender Yadav
  • Country:
  • India

Union Environment Minister Bhupender Yadav has pointed fingers at the Delhi government for the severe waterlogging experienced in the capital following torrential rains on Friday morning. According to Yadav, the primary culprit behind the flooded streets is the plastic waste clogging the city's drains, an issue he claims has been met with governmental inaction despite multiple reminders.

The Safdarjung Observatory, the city's primary weather station, reported a staggering 228.1 mm of rainfall within 24 hours ending at 8.30 am on Friday. This downpour surpasses the June average of 74.1 mm and marks the highest rainfall for the month in at least 16 years.

Yadav, speaking at the India Climate Summit by Times Network, emphasized the urgency of addressing the plastic waste problem. He highlighted that despite banning single-use plastics and urging the Delhi government's industries department to shut down manufacturing units, little action has been taken. As a result, familiar scenes of waterlogged roads, stranded vehicles, and frustrated residents have plagued the city. The India Meteorological Department also reported significant rainfall at various city weather stations, further evidencing the dire state of the drainage infrastructure.

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