Solstice and Strawberry Moon: A Celestial Double Delight

Discover the wonders of the summer solstice and the strawberry moon. The Northern Hemisphere experiences the longest day of the year while the Southern Hemisphere faces its shortest. Coinciding with this event is the strawberry moon, named by Indigenous tribes. Capture its beauty on Friday evening.

PTI | Dallas | Updated: 20-06-2024 20:07 IST | Created: 20-06-2024 20:07 IST
Solstice and Strawberry Moon: A Celestial Double Delight
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With summer's arrival, the Northern Hemisphere gears up for the summer solstice, marking the year's longest day and shortest night. As Earth tilts most closely toward the sun, this celestial alignment ushers in a season of extended daylight.

Conversely, the Southern Hemisphere begins its winter solstice, experiencing the shortest day and longest night. This biannual dance will reverse in six months, swapping solstices between hemispheres.

This year's solstice brings an added treat: the strawberry moon, the first full moon of the summer. Named by Indigenous tribes for its strawberry harvest coinciding, it will be visible in the southeast on Friday evening.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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