Debate Stumble Sparks Intrigue: Biden’s Position Questioned

President Joe Biden's uncertain debate performance has led to some within the Democratic Party questioning if he should remain on the ballot for the upcoming election. Despite this, Biden and his campaign team have signaled a clear intention to continue, making his replacement before the convention unlikely.

PTI | Washington DC | Updated: 28-06-2024 19:36 IST | Created: 28-06-2024 19:36 IST
Debate Stumble Sparks Intrigue: Biden’s Position Questioned
President Joe Biden
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  • United States

President Joe Biden's uneven debate performance on Thursday evening has led some Democrats to ponder if he should be replaced on the ballot ahead of November's election.

No indications suggest Biden is contemplating ending his campaign. Replacing him would be a complex process unless he willingly steps aside.

All states have conducted their presidential primaries, binding delegates to support Biden at the Democratic National Convention. Biden indicated his commitment to the campaign, saying in Atlanta, "Let's keep going." His spokesperson Lauren Hill reinforced this stance, confirming Biden's plans to stay in the race.

The Democratic National Committee could theoretically revise the rules, but this scenario appears unlikely as long as Biden persists. The current guidelines stipulate that delegates should honor the preferences of their voters.

Speculation about Vice President Kamala Harris stepping in is unfounded; she cannot automatically replace Biden on the ticket. Should he exit, Harris and other Democratic hopefuls would need to secure individual state delegations' support at the convention, a situation not seen since 1960.

Other noteworthy Democrats who might consider running include California Governor Gavin Newsom, Michigan's Gretchen Whitmer, and Senators Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Amy Klobuchar, among others.

Legal challenges may arise from conservative groups if Biden withdraws, but constitutional experts argue that political party nomination processes fall within party jurisdiction and not court purview.

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