Vikram Misri Appointed as India's New Foreign Secretary Amidst Crucial Diplomacy Challenges

Vikram Misri, currently the Deputy National Security Adviser, has been appointed as India's next foreign secretary, succeeding Vinay Kwatra. Misri, an expert on China, brings significant experience including previous roles as ambassador to China, Spain, and Myanmar.

PTI | New Delhi | Updated: 28-06-2024 18:52 IST | Created: 28-06-2024 18:52 IST
Vikram Misri Appointed as India's New Foreign Secretary Amidst Crucial Diplomacy Challenges
Vikram Misri
  • Country:
  • India

In a significant diplomatic appointment, Vikram Misri, widely recognized for his expertise on China, has been named India's next foreign secretary. The announcement made on Friday places Misri in a pivotal role amid ongoing foreign policy challenges, especially with a strained relationship with China.

Misri, currently serving as the Deputy National Security Adviser in the National Security Council Secretariat, will take over from incumbent Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra. Sources suggest Kwatra is expected to be appointed as India's ambassador to the United States.

With a career spanning multiple significant postings including ambassador to China, Spain, and Myanmar, Misri's appointment comes at a crucial time. He is credited with playing a vital role in talks between India and China following the Galwan Valley clashes in 2020. His extensive experience is anticipated to aid India in navigating its complex foreign policy landscape.

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