South African Political Coalition: Ramaphosa and DA on the Brink of Agreement

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced Parliament's next term will begin on July 18 as negotiations continue to form a Cabinet amid coalition rifts. The ANC and DA are struggling to finalize their power-sharing arrangement, causing tensions and delays that have affected investor confidence.

PTI | Capetown | Updated: 28-06-2024 18:11 IST | Created: 28-06-2024 18:11 IST
South African Political Coalition: Ramaphosa and DA on the Brink of Agreement
Cyril Ramaphosa

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on Friday that Parliament will commence its next term on July 18, as the nation remains engrossed in complex negotiations over forming a new Cabinet. The protracted talks involve Ramaphosa's African National Congress (ANC) and the Democratic Alliance (DA), South Africa's second-largest party.

The deliberations, which have spanned two weeks, are being closely watched, given the historical enmity between the ANC and DA. Disputes over ministerial positions have led to heightened tensions, underscored by leaked correspondence. In one revealing letter, Ramaphosa accused DA leader John Steenhuisen of shifting demands, thereby jeopardizing the coalition.

This situation is unprecedented in South African politics. The May 29 election saw the ANC lose its longstanding majority, forcing it to form a coalition government. Despite setbacks, signs of progress appear, with leaders assuring that an agreement is near. The coalition's success is seen as crucial for addressing South Africa's pressing socioeconomic challenges.

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