BJP Slams Congress for Constitutional Missteps in Rajya Sabha

The BJP criticized the Congress in the Rajya Sabha for allegedly attacking the Constitution during its tenure in power. Highlighting changes in the Preamble, BJP leader Sudhanshu Trivedi argued that Congress has consistently disrespected the Constitution. His speech faced disruptions and two adjournments due to opposition protests.

PTI | New Delhi | Updated: 28-06-2024 15:36 IST | Created: 28-06-2024 15:36 IST
BJP Slams Congress for Constitutional Missteps in Rajya Sabha
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The ruling BJP on Friday launched a scathing attack on the Congress in the Rajya Sabha, accusing the grand old party of undermining the Constitution whenever it held power. BJP leader Sudhanshu Trivedi cited several instances, including changes to the Preamble, to support his claims.

During the Motion of Thanks to the President's Address, Trivedi highlighted the Congress's newfound advocacy for protecting the Constitution, arguing that its past behavior showed disrespect in both letter and spirit. He touched on the Congress's assertion that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is no match for Jawahar Lal Nehru, agreeing but noting the differences in how they were chosen for leadership.

Trivedi also pointed to the opposition's optimism over BJP losses in Ayodhya and other constituencies tied to Lord Ram, suggesting that these parties fail to acknowledge Lord Ram's existence. His remarks led to frequent interruptions by opposition members and resulted in two adjournments in the House.

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