Kerala's Opposition Stages Walkout Over Denied Adjournment Motion

The opposition in Kerala staged a walkout after Speaker A N Shamseer denied an adjournment motion on allegations against P Jayarajan. The notice was dismissed based on procedural rules. Opposition Leader V D Satheesan criticized the decision, alleging it showcased the government's reluctance to address issues implicating ruling members.

PTI | Thiruvananthapuram | Updated: 28-06-2024 15:13 IST | Created: 28-06-2024 15:13 IST
Kerala's Opposition Stages Walkout Over Denied Adjournment Motion
  • Country:
  • India

In a dramatic turn of events, the opposition in Kerala staged a walkout on Friday after Speaker A N Shamseer refused to entertain a notice for an adjournment motion. The motion aimed at discussing allegations against senior Left leader and Khadi Board Vice Chairman, P Jayarajan.

When the opposition moved the motion, state Parliamentary Affairs Minister M B Rajesh objected, invoking Rule 52 (5) of the Legislative Assembly's procedural rules. Rajesh argued that the motion contained defamatory statements and unrelated inferences, thus breaching the rule.

Reacting to the refusal, Leader of the Opposition V D Satheesan accused the government of stifling debate on issues implicating ruling members. 'This is a new trend. When the government or ministers face allegations, it won't be discussed in the House,' Satheesan expressed, citing alleged claims against Jayarajan by a former CPI(M) Kannur District committee member.

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