Iranian Reformist Pezeshkian Advocates Friendly Global Relations

Masoud Pezeshkian, the sole reformist in Iran's presidential election, voiced a desire for friendly international relations, excluding Israel, after voting. Despite facing a warning from Iran's Supreme Leader due to his outreach to the U.S., Pezeshkian aims to re-ignite engagement with the West post-2015 nuclear deal collapse.

PTI | Dubai | Updated: 28-06-2024 13:51 IST | Created: 28-06-2024 13:51 IST
Iranian Reformist Pezeshkian Advocates Friendly Global Relations
  • Country:
  • United Arab Emirates

Masoud Pezeshkian, the lone reformist candidate in Iran's presidential election, called for friendly international relations, particularly with the West, while excluding Israel. This statement came immediately after voting on Friday.

Pezeshkian's comments mark a significant push to energize those in favor of renewed Western engagement, following the collapse of Iran's 2015 nuclear agreement with global powers. His stance comes despite a subtle warning from Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei against such moves.

Engaging closely with the West remains a contentious issue, especially among the hard-liners Pezeshkian is up against.

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