Biden and Trump Clash in Fiery Presidential Debate: Lies, Accusations, and Policy Disputes

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump engaged in a heated debate, attacking each other on issues such as the economy, immigration, national security, and foreign policy. The candidates called each other liars and felons, highlighting deep divisions in their approaches to governance and policy execution.

PTI | Atlanta | Updated: 28-06-2024 09:26 IST | Created: 28-06-2024 09:26 IST
Biden and Trump Clash in Fiery Presidential Debate: Lies, Accusations, and Policy Disputes
  • Country:
  • United States

In a fiery first presidential debate, President Joe Biden and his Republican rival, former President Donald Trump, exchanged sharp accusations and personal attacks, laying bare their stark differences on critical issues. Over 90 minutes of verbal sparring, they clashed on the economy, border security, foreign policy, and abortion, among other pressing topics.

Biden and Trump didn't shy away from personal attacks, with Biden labeling Trump a 'sucker' and 'loser' while Trump retaliated by calling Biden a 'convicted felon' and a 'criminal.' The debate, marked by a flurry of allegations, saw Biden accuse Trump of having 'the morals of an alley cat,' and Trump alleging Biden's policies were making the country unsecured.

The two candidates also differed on foreign policy, with heated discussions about Ukraine, the Middle East, and NATO. While Biden emphasized continued support for Ukraine and condemned Russian President Vladimir Putin, Trump criticized Biden's handling of foreign affairs, promising swift action if reelected. The debate ended on a contentious note, with Trump casting doubt on the 2024 election results' fairness, a sign of deepening political discord.

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