Trump's Surprising Shift: Green Cards for Foreign Graduates

Former President Donald Trump announced in an interview his intention to give automatic green cards to foreign students graduating from U.S. colleges. This marks a significant shift from his previously harsh anti-immigrant stance. His proposal aims to retain top talent in the U.S. and address labor market needs.

PTI | Miami | Updated: 21-06-2024 05:41 IST | Created: 21-06-2024 05:41 IST
Trump's Surprising Shift: Green Cards for Foreign Graduates
Donald Trump
  • Country:
  • United States

In a surprising shift from his usual anti-immigrant rhetoric, former President Donald Trump announced in an interview that he plans to offer automatic green cards to foreign students who graduate from U.S. colleges. This proposal, unveiled during a podcast with venture capitalists and tech investors, marks a significant departure from his campaign stance.

Trump explained that graduates, including those from junior colleges, should receive green cards as part of their diplomas to stay in the U.S. He emphasized the need to retain brilliant minds and workforce talents within the country, promising to address this on his first day back in office if elected.

This proposal is a stark contrast to Trump's previous policies and statements that blamed immigrants for various social and economic issues. During his tenure, he implemented measures to curb both illegal and legal immigration. However, Trump now acknowledges the necessity of a pool of intelligent people to bolster American companies.

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