CPI(M) Office Vandalised Over Inter-Caste Marriage Support

The CPI(M) office was vandalised and two workers attacked due to the party's support for an inter-caste couple who married on June 13. Relatives of the woman opposed the marriage, leading to violence and damage at the party office. The CPI(M) has called for police action and protection for the couple.

PTI | Tirunelveli | Updated: 14-06-2024 21:02 IST | Created: 14-06-2024 21:02 IST
CPI(M) Office Vandalised Over Inter-Caste Marriage Support
  • Country:
  • India

The CPI(M) office in Tirunelveli was reportedly vandalised, and two workers attacked on Friday by a group opposed to the Marxist party's support of an inter-caste marriage celebrated on June 13.

According to police sources, the couple wed on Thursday at the party office premises. Following the marriage, the woman's relatives, also office-bearers, and supporters of a caste-based association, barged into the party office, resulting in a verbal clash with party workers.

Angered by the Marxist party's backing of the couple, the group allegedly assaulted two workers and vandalised the premises. It is reported that the woman belongs to a 'forward' community and the man hails from a Scheduled Caste. CPI(M) state secretary K Balakrishnan condemned the attack, citing ongoing honour killings in the district.

He urged the police to take action against the aggressors and ensure the protection of the couple. The couple had planned to register their marriage on Friday, a move hampered by the woman's family, prompting them to seek CPI(M)'s help. Efforts to get police permission for registration led to a 25-member gang attacking the district committee office, damaging property and assaulting workers. The police have detained some members of the group, who reportedly searched for the couple in rage.

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