Austria Sets Stage for Crucial Parliamentary Election in September Amid Far-Right Surge

Austria's approaching parliamentary election, set for September 29, follows a significant victory by the far-right Freedom Party over Chancellor Karl Nehammer's conservative People's Party in the European Parliament election. Polls predict the Freedom Party will widen its lead, highlighting voter dissatisfaction and concerns over migration and overregulation.

PTI | Berlin | Updated: 13-06-2024 07:26 IST | Created: 13-06-2024 07:26 IST
Austria Sets Stage for Crucial Parliamentary Election in September Amid Far-Right Surge
  • Country:
  • Germany

Austria's government, closing the doors on its five-year term, confirmed Wednesday that the nation's next parliamentary election will take place on September 29.

This announcement follows a tight victory by the far-right Freedom Party over Chancellor Karl Nehammer's conservative Austrian People's Party during last week's European Parliament election, which saw a rise of hard-right parties across the 27-member bloc. The Freedom Party secured 25.4 percent of the votes, marking a historic nationwide win. Trailing close was the People's Party with 24.5 percent.

Recent polls for the upcoming general election forecast a widening gap between the two parties, with the Freedom Party expected to take the lead.

After the European election loss, Nehammer admitted to a "great dissatisfaction" among voters per the Austria Press Agency, vowing that his party would address their concerns seriously in the months leading up to the election, particularly around migration and overregulation issues.

The previous national election held in 2019 saw then-chancellor Sebastian Kurz dissolving the coalition between his People's Party and the Freedom Party following a scandal involving Freedom Party leader Heinz-Christian Strache, who was caught on tape allegedly offering government contracts to a supposed Russian investor.

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