Iran foreign ministry says attacks on Israel sign of Palestinian 'confidence'

Reuters | Updated: 07-10-2023 22:22 IST | Created: 07-10-2023 22:05 IST
Iran foreign ministry says attacks on Israel sign of Palestinian 'confidence'
Representative Image Image Credit: ANI

Iran's foreign ministry said attacks by its ally Hamas on Israel on Saturday were proof of the Palestinians' increased confidence in the conflict, the semi-official ISNA news agency reported.

"In this operation, the element of surprise and other combined methods were used, which show the Palestinian people's confidence in the face of the occupiers," ISNA quoted ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani as saying in an interview. Meanwhile, the website of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei ran the headline "The usurper Zionist regime (Israel) is coming to an end" for his comments this week.

The website also highlighted his remarks that countries normalising ties with Iran's arch-foe Israel were "betting on a losing horse". Iran's Nournews, affiliated with a top security body, said the attacks "showed that, contrary to its claims of intelligence-security dominance over the resistance, Israel could not predict their operations, and that its Iron Dome was nothing but a dome of straw above a sand castle".

Separately, government spokesperson Ali Bahadori-Jahromi told state media that the attacks "proved that the Zionist regime is more vulnerable than ever and that the initiative is in the hands of Palestinian youth." Videos carried by state television showed people gathered at Tehran's Palestine square to welcome the news of the attack, chanting "Death to Israel" and setting off fireworks.

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