Daring Rescue: Police Thwart Kidnap & Ransom Plot in Gurugram
Gurugram police arrested five individuals, including a Delhi Police constable, involved in kidnapping a share trader and his friend for a Rs 1 crore ransom. The police, acting on a complaint, set a trap and successfully rescued the victims, leading to a confrontation and subsequent arrests.
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- India
In a dramatic turn of events, Gurugram police have apprehended five suspects, including a member of the Delhi Police force, on charges of abducting a share trader and his companion. The alleged kidnappers intended to extort Rs 1 crore in ransom.
Authorities identified the suspects as Delhi police constable Sunil and four others. The incident came to light after the victim's father filed a missing persons report. Based on the complaint, police launched a coordinated effort to locate and rescue the captives.
During the operation, officers engaged in a confrontation while traps were set to capture the suspects during the ransom collection. Injuries were reported as Sub-inspector Sumit Kumar was hurt in the clash. The hostages were successfully freed, and further investigations are continuing.
(With inputs from agencies.)