Arunachal Pradesh Adopts New Criminal Laws in English and Hindi

Arunachal Pradesh will implement new criminal laws in English and Hindi due to its numerous dialects. Officials and relevant personnel are being trained in the two languages. The new laws, replacing older colonial-era statutes, will come into effect on July 1, ensuring a smooth transition with extensive preparations.

PTI | Itanagar | Updated: 28-06-2024 18:52 IST | Created: 28-06-2024 18:52 IST
Arunachal Pradesh Adopts New Criminal Laws in English and Hindi
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In a significant move to accommodate its linguistic diversity, Arunachal Pradesh has announced the adoption of new criminal laws in both English and Hindi. This decision comes as the state grapples with numerous dialects spoken across its population.

Officials have been undergoing rigorous training to familiarize themselves with the new laws, which will replace outdated colonial-era legislations starting July 1. The state has been proactive in organizing training sessions across its 27 districts for the past two months.

The state government has also constituted a state-level steering committee and a panel at police headquarters to supervise the seamless transition. "Extensive preparations have been made to ensure a seamless transition," confirmed Joint Secretary (Home) Karma Leki.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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