UN Experts Urge Iran to Release Narges Mohammadi and Women Human Rights Defenders

The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has previously deemed her detention arbitrary in its Opinion 48/2017.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Geneva | Updated: 28-06-2024 13:15 IST | Created: 28-06-2024 13:15 IST
UN Experts Urge Iran to Release Narges Mohammadi and Women Human Rights Defenders
Image Credit: Twitter(@NobelPrize)

A group of independent UN experts has called on the Islamic Republic of Iran to immediately and unconditionally release Narges Mohammadi and all women human rights defenders imprisoned on charges related to their advocacy for human rights.

“We are alarmed about the unfair proceedings and lengthy sentences handed to human rights defender, Narges Mohammadi, directly related to her peaceful exercise of her rights to freedom of expression and assembly in the pursuit of gender equality in Iran,” the experts said. “Unduly covering charges under the framework of ‘national security’ or ‘propaganda against the state’ in order to silence critical voices needs to stop.”

Narges Mohammadi is currently serving multiple sentences totaling over 13 years in prison. Her sentence was extended by an additional 15 months in January 2024 for new charges of “spreading propaganda against the state.” On June 18, Branch 29 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court added another year to her sentence on similar charges. This is her sixth conviction since March 2021, three of which are reportedly related to her human rights activism in prison, including advocating for the rights of other female prisoners in relation to sexual offenses by government officials.

The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has previously deemed her detention arbitrary in its Opinion 48/2017.

“We are deeply concerned about the climate of discrimination and fear that women human rights defenders live under in Iran,” the experts said.

They highlighted the absence of a rules-based justice system that is gender-responsive and accessible to women, and the impunity for violations of the rights of women and girls.

“The extreme discrimination and violence against women and girls are unacceptable,” the experts stated. “We wish to remind the Iranian Government of its obligation to protect and promote the rights of all human rights defenders as they peacefully carry out their legitimate work.”

The experts also noted disturbing reports that Narges Mohammadi has been denied access to her lawyer and prevented from contacting her family since November 29, 2023, shortly after being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. More concerningly, she has reportedly been denied medical aid. The experts emphasized that access to medical and legal support for detainees are fundamental rights that must always be respected.

Reports indicate an increase in arrests of women’s rights activists in recent years, with Iranian officials warning that others protesting against the compulsory wearing of the veil may face national security charges.

“Women human rights defenders challenging the imposition of a compulsory dress code on women are acting in defense of universally guaranteed human rights. We urge the government of Iran to remember that,” the experts said.

They reiterated that using repressive legislation to criminalize the exercise of freedom of expression and peaceful assembly is incompatible with Iran’s obligations under international human rights law.

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