OBC Activist Laxman Hake Blasts Maratha Quota Demands as Unconstitutional

OBC activist Laxman Hake criticized Maratha quota leader Manoj Jarange, labeling his demands as unconstitutional and disruptive to Maharashtra's peace. Hake, who ended his hunger strike, opposes issuing Kunbi certificates to Marathas due to potential adverse effects on OBCs, urging lawmakers to heed relevant court judgements.

PTI | Chhatrapatisambhajinagar | Updated: 24-06-2024 18:08 IST | Created: 24-06-2024 18:08 IST
OBC Activist Laxman Hake Blasts Maratha Quota Demands as Unconstitutional
  • Country:
  • India

OBC activist Laxman Hake criticized Maratha quota leader Manoj Jarange on Monday, describing Jarange's demands as unconstitutional and a threat to peace in Maharashtra. Hake, on a hunger strike since June 13 to protect Other Backward Classes (OBC) interests, ended his protest after meeting a state government delegation in Jalna.

Hake and his supporters oppose Jarange's push for Kunbi certificates for the Maratha community to access quota benefits, fearing negative impacts on OBCs. Hake emphasized that the state government should avoid decisions harmful to OBC interests.

Speaking from a hospital in Jalna, Hake said, "The demands (of Jarange) are dictatorial and will disturb peace in Maharashtra. Making demands on mob strength is unconstitutional." He urged lawmakers to acquaint themselves with court judgements stating that equating Marathas and Kunbis is erroneous. In response to Jarange's claim that NCP leader Chhagan Bhujbal seeks to disturb peace, Hake dismissed the statement as morale-boosting rhetoric.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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