Survivors Fight for Justice and Answers a Year After Tragic Mediterranean Shipwreck

Ali Elwan, an Egyptian cook, was one of 104 survivors of a disastrous shipwreck that occurred a year ago, claiming hundreds of lives. As survivors continue to seek answers and justice, human rights groups criticize Greece's investigation process. Elwan hopes for asylum, while many families still await news of their missing relatives.

PTI | Athens | Updated: 13-06-2024 15:05 IST | Created: 13-06-2024 15:05 IST
Survivors Fight for Justice and Answers a Year After Tragic Mediterranean Shipwreck
  • Country:
  • Greece

Ali Elwan, an Egyptian cook, clung to life for three harrowing hours in the Mediterranean's cold waters, one of just 104 survivors from a tragic shipwreck a year ago. The dilapidated fishing boat, crammed with up to 750 migrants, saw only 82 bodies recovered as hundreds of families still seek closure.

Elwan, now in Athens, awaits the outcome of his asylum application. 'I was so, so lucky,' he told The Associated Press. As many Middle Eastern, Asian, and African migrants strive for a better life in Europe, they face horrific journeys and, for many, a grim fate.

Human rights groups have severely criticized Greek authorities for the allegedly sluggish and insufficient investigation into the shipwreck. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International called for 'a credible process for accountability.' Survivors claim the Greek coast guard mishandled the situation, causing the ship to capsize.

Among the survivors was Zeeshan Sarwar, a Pakistani, who still waits for justice and suffers from the trauma of the ordeal. Elwan himself can barely sleep, haunted by memories and desperate for asylum. Meanwhile, the search for answers and accountability continues.

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