Sudan: Women and girls abducted, held ‘in slave-like conditions’ in Darfur

UN News | Updated: 04-11-2023 19:40 IST | Created: 03-11-2023 22:21 IST
Sudan: Women and girls abducted, held ‘in slave-like conditions’ in Darfur
More funding is urgently needed for lifesaving aid in Gaza while concern is deepening over high numbers of civilians killed since the beginning of the crisis and human rights violations against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. Briefing reporters in Geneva on Friday UN health agency (WHO) spokesperson Christian Lindmeier said that in Israel, where 1,400 people have been killed so far, and in Gaza, where over 9,000 have been killed according to Hamas run authorities, 70 per cent of the victims are women and children. “It’s the innocent civilians that are losing here. Let’s think about the victims,” he insisted. Proportionality in attacks ‘not respected’ UN human rights office (OHCHR) spokesperson Liz Throssell highlighted concerns over Israeli airstrikes on Jabalia and Al Bureij refugee camps in recent days with dozens of residential buildings destroyed, as well as the high number of casualties reported in the enclave and the “reported use of explosive weapons with wide area effects in some of the most densely populated areas in Gaza”. Tweet URL “We have serious concerns that the principles of distinction and proportionality are not being respected by both sides,” she said. OHCHR already said on Wednesday that given the high number of civilian deaths and injuries in Gaza and the scale of the destruction following Israeli airstrikes on Jabalia refugee camp, these could be “disproportionate attacks that could amount to war crimes”. Hostages must be released Ms. Throssell reiterated calls on Palestinian armed groups to “immediately stop launching inherently indiscriminate rockets into Israel” and “immediately and unconditionally release all the hostages they hold, in serious breach of international humanitarian law”. According to Israeli authorities, 242 people are held captive in Gaza, including Israelis and foreign nationals. Media reports indicate that about 30 of the hostages are children. The OHCHR spokesperson also recalled “the obligations of the de facto authorities to respect and protect the human rights of the people of Gaza”. She highlighted that “the intentional co-location of military objectives and civilians or persons hors de combat with the specific intent of trying to prevent the targeting of military objectives is a serious breach of international humanitarian law”. Israel has been alleging that Hamas uses civilians as human shields and hospitals and other civilian infrastructure for military purposes. Funds urgently needed “The situation has grown increasingly desperate” and the UN and partners will release an updated flash appeal for the Occupied Palestinian Territory on Monday covering the remainder of the year, UN humanitarian affairs coordination office (OCHA) spokesperson Jens Laerke said on Friday. An initial flash appeal for $294 million to support nearly 1.3 million people, launched on 12 October, will not be enough, Mr. Laerke said. Now, 2.7 million people – the entire population of Gaza and 500,000 people in the occupied West Bank – require assistance with food, water, health care, shelter, hygiene and the cost of meeting their needs is estimated to be $1.2 billion. Mr. Laerke noted that the original flash appeal is 25 per cent funded so far, the three main donors being the United States, the UN Central Emergency Response Fund, or CERF - a multi-donor humanitarian fund - and Japan. Humanitarian pauses, key To be able to deliver the aid, Mr. Laerke reiterated the need for humanitarian pauses. He stressed that such “deconfliction mechanisms” have been implemented in “many other contexts” including northwest Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan. “It is not beyond our competency to set up and facilitate such mechanisms”, he said, which “require an agreement between those doing the fighting that they will stop”. ‘Ease the suffering’ Mr. Laerke stressed yet again that “our ability to ease the suffering of the Palestinian population” will also depend on the availability of fuel. No fuel has been allowed into Gaza since the start of the crisis and OCHA said that because of the shortages, the operation of water wells and desalination plants in the southern half of Gaza “stopped almost completely” on Thursday. OCHA also said that “there is not enough clarity on access of people to water in northern Gaza”. Mr. Laerke further stressed that the opening of border crossings between Israel and Gaza, such as the Kerem Shalom crossing which has been a key point of entry for goods until the escalation, will be “paramount”. So far, aid has only been allowed in through the Rafah crossing from Egypt, with a total of 374 trucks entering since deliveries resumed on 21 October. The largest convoy, composed of 102 trucks, came in on Thursday. OCHA said that the available aid “remains insufficient to cover people’s basic needs”. Rising West Bank death toll Meanwhile in the occupied West Bank, Ms. Throssell said that from 7 October up to 2 November, 132 Palestinians, including 41 children, were killed – 124 by Israeli forces and eight by settlers. Two Israeli soldiers were also killed. Tweet URL She highlighted that Israeli forces have “increasingly used military tactics and weapons in law enforcement operations”, including an operation overnight involving airstrikes on Jenin refugee camp, and recalled that law enforcement is governed by international human rights law, “which prohibits the intentional use of lethal force except when strictly necessary to protect life”. ‘Dramatic escalation’ of settler violence “Settler violence, which was already at record levels, has also escalated dramatically”, the OHCHR spokesperson said. Since 7 October there have been seven settler attacks on average per day in the occupied West Bank, more than a third of them involving the use of firearms. “In many of these incidents, settlers were accompanied by members of the Israeli forces, or the settlers were wearing uniforms and carrying army rifles”, Ms. Throssell said, raising concerns over the “acquiescence and collaboration” of the authorities, as well as impunity. “Despite hundreds of settlers being involved in this daily violence, since 7 October Israeli forces have reportedly arrested only two settlers for assaulting Palestinians and killing one Palestinian farmer,” she said. The violence was also forcing entire communities from their land, which may amount to “forcible transfer”. Since 7 October, nearly 1,000 Palestinians from at least 15 herding communities in the West Bank have had to flee their homes. Arrests and ill-treatment Ms. Throssell said that since 7 October, Israeli forces have arrested almost 2,000 Palestinians. “We have received credible and consistent reports indicating a further increase in the ill-treatment of detainees, which in many cases could amount to torture,” she added. Two Palestinians arrested since 7 October have died in custody. OHCHR warned that those detained “are reportedly not granted due process and judicial guarantees, as required by international law”. UNRWA death toll now 72 The Palestine relief agency has 13,000 staff in Gaza and with nowhere safe under Israeli bombardment, 72 have now lost their lives so far - the largest loss of life the organization has suffered in such a short time span among staff who devote their lives to helping others. The agency has release this video in tribute to their fallen colleagues, which include Mai Ibaid, who was a muscular dystrophy sufferer. She was accepted as a software engineer in college and became an UNRWA software developer in the Gaza office. "May they rest in power and peace", the agency says. Image Credit: Twitter (@Refugees)

The UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) expressed alarm on Friday over reports that in Sudan, women and girls are being abducted, chained and held in “inhuman, degrading slave-like conditions” in areas controlled by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Darfur.

 The stark report comes against the backdrop of a sharp uptick in fighting between the Government’s Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and RSF and heightened intercommunal tensions in the restive region.

The rival militaries plunged the country into a brutal civil war more than six months ago. Thousands have died and more than 5.7 million are displaced, inside and outside the African nation. Around 25 million are now relying on some form of humanitarian aid.

Representatives from the warring parties are now meeting in Saudi Arabia for renewed peace talks, steered by Saudi and the United States, and joined by the East African regional bloc, IGAD, according to news reports.

Survivors, witnesses and other sources have reported that over 20 women and girls have been taken, but the number could be higher, said OHCHR Spokesperson Liz Throssell.

“Some sources have reported seeing women and girls in chains on pick-up trucks and in cars,” she said.

‘Attributed to men in RSF uniforms’

As of Thursday, more than 50 incidents of sexual violence linked to the hostilities have been reported to the joint OHCHR-UNITAMS (the UN assistance mission) office in Sudan, impacting at least 105 victims – 86 women, one man and 18 children.  

Twenty-three of the incidents involved rape, 26 were of gang rape and three were of attempted rape.

At least 70 percent of the confirmed incidents of sexual violence recorded – 37 incidents in total – are attributed to men in RSF uniforms, eight to armed men affiliated with the RSF, two to men in unidentified uniform, and one to the SAF, according to the office.

The remaining cases involved men who have not yet been identified.

Call for urgent release

Ms. Throssell called for the urgent release of the abducted women and girls and for perpetrators to be held accountable.

She reiterated High Commissioner Volker Türk’s calls on senior officials of the SAF, the RSF and affiliated armed groups to enforce a policy of zero tolerance of sexual violence in their ranks.

Stop the fighting: UN Mission

UNITAMS also voiced deep concern over the military escalation in Darfur and its dire impact on civilians, including displacement, casualties, and property destruction.

The Mission called on all warring parties to abide by international human rights and humanitarian laws, and ensure protection of civilians, allowing them to leave conflict-affected areas safely.  

“At a time when so much hope is being placed on the Jeddah talks to achieve a sustainable ceasefire and facilitated humanitarian access, I call on all parties to refrain from escalating and expanding the conflict,” Clementine Nkweta-Salami, the deputy head of UNITAMS, said in a statement on Thursday.

“The toll this conflict is taking on civilians is unimaginable. Fighting needs to stop and parties to the conflict need to ensure the safe passage of humanitarian assistance to the millions of people in Sudan who desperately need it.”  

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