DNA Test Solves Ice Cream Mystery in Mumbai

A recent DNA test has linked a fingertip found in an ice cream cone in Mumbai's Malad area to Omkar Pote, an employee of an ice cream factory in Indapur, Pune. The incident occurred during the ice cream filling process, leading to its unexpected discovery by a Malad doctor.

PTI | Mumbai | Updated: 27-06-2024 23:28 IST | Created: 27-06-2024 23:28 IST
DNA Test Solves Ice Cream Mystery in Mumbai
  • Country:
  • India

A recent investigation has unraveled the mystery behind a fingertip found inside an ice cream cone in Mumbai's Malad area. DNA tests confirmed the fingertip belongs to Omkar Pote, an employee at an Indapur-based ice cream factory in Pune, according to a police official on Thursday.

In a shocking turn of events, the Forensic Sciences Laboratory report received during the day revealed that the DNA in the fingertip matched that of Pote. Authorities have confirmed that a part of Pote's middle finger was severed during the ice cream filling process at the Indapur facility.

The severed fingertip was later discovered in an ice cream cone ordered by a Malad-based doctor, who promptly alerted the authorities, the official noted.

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