BBG Foundation Launches Bharosa Center in Shamshabad for Women's Safety

BBG Foundation's commitment to women's safety culminates in the launch of the Bharosa Center in Shamshabad. The center will offer comprehensive support to women and children in distress, featuring state-of-the-art facilities and trained professionals. This initiative marks a significant step in creating safer, more inclusive communities.

PTI | Hyderabad | Updated: 29-06-2024 16:51 IST | Created: 29-06-2024 16:51 IST
BBG Foundation Launches Bharosa Center in Shamshabad for Women's Safety
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BBG Foundation's latest initiative marks a significant milestone in its ongoing commitment to women's safety and empowerment. The upcoming launch of the Bharosa Center in Shamshabad was announced during the Building Blocks Group's 449th Talent Factory event, attended by dignitaries such as DCP Srujana Karnam of the Telangana Police Department's Women and Child Safety Wing.

DCP Srujana Karnam, renowned for her dedication to the rights and safety of vulnerable populations, praised the initiative. She highlighted the extensive efforts led by BBG and Mr. Mallikarjun Reddy, who financed the center's construction through the BBG Foundation. The Rs 15 lakh contribution was ceremoniously handed over at the event, underscoring the foundation's mission to empower women and girls across the region.

The Bharosa Center will offer a range of services, including legal support, psychological counseling, and medical care, aiming to reduce the re-victimization of women and children affected by violence. With its state-of-the-art facilities, the center is poised to become a beacon of hope, fostering safer and more inclusive communities.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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