Matariki Rising: A New Dawn for New Zealand's Maori New Year

Matariki, the Maori New Year, is experiencing a renaissance in New Zealand as it becomes a nationwide holiday. It sees a growing embrace of Indigenous culture amidst political debates. Celebrated with various traditional activities, Matariki’s revival signifies a cultural shift in recognizing and preserving Maori heritage.

PTI | Wellington | Updated: 28-06-2024 12:27 IST | Created: 28-06-2024 12:27 IST
Matariki Rising: A New Dawn for New Zealand's Maori New Year
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  • New Zealand

Matariki, the Maori New Year, is seeing a renaissance in New Zealand, becoming a nationwide holiday celebrated with traditional activities and cultural acknowledgment. This revival of Maori heritage occurs at a time of intense political debate about Indigenous rights and identity.

Since its introduction as a national holiday in 2022, Matariki has grown in popularity. In 2023, 60% of New Zealanders participated in celebrations, marking a significant shift in cultural consciousness. The holiday features predawn ceremonies, remembrance for the deceased, and communal meals that educate younger generations about Maori traditions.

However, political tensions linger. The current center-right government supports Matariki, yet some coalition partners resist broader Maori recognition. Despite these challenges, scholars and community leaders believe Matariki's cultural significance will endure beyond political fluctuations.

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