States Ramp Up AI Education to Combat Job Displacement

States are working to improve workers' tech skills through initiatives like Connecticut's Citizens AI Academy. Legislation across several states aims to incorporate AI literacy into curriculums, addressing the skills gap and ensuring workers can effectively use emerging technologies.

PTI | Hartford | Updated: 29-06-2024 09:40 IST | Created: 29-06-2024 09:40 IST
States Ramp Up AI Education to Combat Job Displacement
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With many jobs expected to rely on generative artificial intelligence (AI), states are boosting workers' tech skills to prevent them from becoming outdated, potentially outfoxed by increasingly smarter machines. Connecticut is stepping up with plans for the country's first Citizens AI Academy, a free online repository of curated classes offering both basic skills and certifications needed for employment.

State Democratic Sen. James Maroney noted the fast-evolving nature of AI requires reliable sources for skill updates and proper guidance. Gregory LaBlanc, a Finance, Strategy, and Law professor, advises teaching workers to manage AI tools instead of mimicking them, focusing on creativity, empathy, and advanced problem-solving.

This year, Connecticut, California, Mississippi, and Maryland have proposed AI-focused educational legislation. California's proposed bill aims to integrate AI literacy into existing school curriculums. A key goal is demystifying AI, equipping students with the knowledge to succeed in an AI-driven workforce.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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