reSURGEnce Durban Conference 2024: Boosting Local Businesses with Global Investment Opportunities

Themed ‘Moving the needle forward towards economic emancipation’, the five-day conference aims to provide entrepreneurs with crucial access to capital and investment opportunities.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Pretoria | Updated: 26-06-2024 19:06 IST | Created: 26-06-2024 19:06 IST
reSURGEnce Durban Conference 2024: Boosting Local Businesses with Global Investment Opportunities
Local businesses interested in participating are encouraged to register for exhibition slots by June 30, 2024. Image Credit: Twitter(@SAgovnews)
  • Country:
  • South Africa

Musa Mbhele, City Manager of eThekwini Municipality, has emphasized the upcoming reSURGEnce Durban Conference 2024 as a pivotal moment for local businesses to tap into new markets and opportunities.

Scheduled from July 17 to 21, 2024, at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre, the reSURGEnce Durban Conference is set to be the city’s largest global investment event. Hosted by eThekwini Municipality in collaboration with partners from the United States of America (USA), the conference is expected to draw a significant delegation of US industry leaders, investors, financiers, decision-makers, and high-profile figures.

Themed ‘Moving the needle forward towards economic emancipation’, the five-day conference aims to provide entrepreneurs with crucial access to capital and investment opportunities. The event will feature trade shows, empowerment conferences, site visits to local developments, networking sessions, pitching opportunities, youth entrepreneurship programs, and a music concert showcasing local talent to an international audience.

Musa Mbhele highlighted the conference as a strategic initiative to enhance trade and investment in Durban, potentially opening doors to new markets, clientele, and collaborations that could spur substantial business growth.

Local businesses interested in participating are encouraged to register for exhibition slots by June 30, 2024. The registration fees vary:

Small, medium, and micro enterprises: R500

Non-profit organizations: R1,000

Non-governmental organizations: R1,000

Tertiary institutions: R2,000

Government departments: R5,000

Government agencies and corporates: R5,000

For registration and further details about the reSURGEnce Durban Conference, interested parties can visit

This conference marks a significant opportunity for Durban’s economic landscape, aligning with efforts to foster local business growth and attract international investment into the region.

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