Food Minister Pralhad Joshi Calls for Efficient Food Distribution and Reduced Subsidies at FCI Headquarters

Food Minister Pralhad Joshi visited the Food Corporation of India HQ, emphasizing the need for prioritizing food security and reducing subsidies. Accompanied by Food Secretary Sanjeev Chopra, Joshi reviewed FCI’s operations and infrastructure, underlining the importance of efficiency in the food distribution system.

PTI | New Delhi | Updated: 19-06-2024 18:49 IST | Created: 19-06-2024 18:49 IST
Food Minister Pralhad Joshi Calls for Efficient Food Distribution and Reduced Subsidies at FCI Headquarters
Pralhad Joshi
  • Country:
  • India

Food Minister Pralhad Joshi made a surprise visit to the headquarters of the Food Corporation of India (FCI) on Wednesday, prompting officials to prioritize food security and focus on reducing subsidies, according to an official statement.

Accompanied by Food Secretary Sanjeev Chopra, Joshi engaged in detailed discussions with senior FCI officials to explore ways of enhancing the efficiency of the nation's food distribution system.

This visit marks Joshi's first interaction with FCI since assuming his role. He stressed the significance of achieving greater efficiency and reducing the cost and subsidy burden.

While touring the FCI office, the minister proposed enhancements to the infrastructure.

In a subsequent meeting with FCI's Chairman and other senior officials, Joshi was presented with an overview of the agency's operations, accomplishments, and key initiatives designed to ensure food security.

FCI, the central nodal agency responsible for procuring foodgrains directly from farmers at minimum support prices, played a crucial role in distributing free grains to millions during the COVID-19 lockdowns.

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