Israeli Defense Minister's Stern Warning and Call for Peace

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warned in Washington that Israel's military could reduce Lebanon to the 'Stone Age' in a conflict with Hezbollah, though he prefers diplomacy. Gallant also discussed post-war Gaza governance involving local Palestinians, regional partners, and the U.S., describing the process as long and complex.

Reuters | Washington DC | Updated: 27-06-2024 05:45 IST | Created: 27-06-2024 05:45 IST
Israeli Defense Minister's Stern Warning and Call for Peace
Yoav Gallant
  • Country:
  • United States

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warned during a visit to Washington that Israel's military is capable of taking Lebanon "back to the Stone Age" in any war with Hezbollah militants but insisted his government prefers a diplomatic solution on the Israel-Lebanon border.

Speaking to reporters, Gallant also said he discussed with senior U.S. officials his "day after" proposals for governance of post-war Gaza that would include local Palestinians, regional partners and the U.S., but that it would be "a long and complex process." (Reporting By Matt Spetalnick; Editing by Sandra Maler)

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