China Dominates in GenAI Patents as U.S. Trails: WIPO Report

China has requested more generative AI patents than any other country, far outpacing the United States. The U.N. intellectual property agency reported 54,000 GenAI inventions in the past decade, with China leading at 38,200. The rapid growth reflects increasing interest since late 2022.

PTI | Geneva | Updated: 03-07-2024 20:21 IST | Created: 03-07-2024 20:21 IST
China Dominates in GenAI Patents as U.S. Trails: WIPO Report
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China has surged ahead in the race for generative artificial intelligence patents, filing more applications than any other country, according to a report from the U.N. intellectual property agency released on Wednesday. The United States is trailing far behind.

This breakthrough technology, which promises to enhance efficiency and accelerate scientific discoveries, has been linked to around 54,000 inventions over the past decade up to 2023, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) noted in its report. Over a quarter of these inventions took place in the last year alone, underscoring the explosive growth and mounting interest in generative AI since its rise to public awareness in late 2022.

China led the charge with over 38,200 GenAI inventions, nearly six times the number filed by the United States, which had close to 6,300. Other leaders included South Korea, Japan, and India, with significant contributions as well. WIPO's report aims to provide insights into the development trajectory and future direction of this rapidly evolving field.

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