U.S. Intel Urged to Track Chinese Tech Advances: Senator Warner's Call to Action

Senator Mark Warner emphasized the need for U.S. intelligence agencies to better track Chinese advancements in technology and other sectors. Speaking at a Christian Science Monitor event, Warner highlighted the gap in following Chinese tech companies, urging a more comprehensive approach beyond traditional military and government espionage.

Reuters | Washington DC | Updated: 18-06-2024 20:10 IST | Created: 18-06-2024 20:10 IST
U.S. Intel Urged to Track Chinese Tech Advances: Senator Warner's Call to Action
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  • United States

The chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Tuesday that U.S. intelligence agencies need to do a better job in tracking Chinese advanced technology and other efforts.

Senator Mark Warner told reporters at a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor that U.S. intelligence agencies must do a better job in tracking Chinese efforts across a variety of fields. "Our intel community is so used to traditionally spying -- you spy on the military, you spy on the government. You don't necessarily follow all of the tech companies," Warner said. "We just need to kind of continue to up our game in following what China is doing, not just in this chip space."

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