Shoaib Bashir Makes Unwanted History with Costly Over

England spinner Shoaib Bashir conceded 38 runs in a single over during an English county championship match. Bashir, playing for Worcestershire, was hit for five consecutive sixes by Surrey's Dan Lawrence. This incident tied the record for the most expensive over in County Championship history.

PTI | Worcester | Updated: 24-06-2024 21:43 IST | Created: 24-06-2024 21:43 IST
Shoaib Bashir Makes Unwanted History with Costly Over
Shoaib Bashir
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England spinner Shoaib Bashir etched his name into the annals of cricket history on Monday, albeit for an unfortunate reason, as he conceded a staggering 38 runs in a single over during an English county championship match.

Bashir, a 20-year-old talent representing Worcestershire, faced the brunt of England teammate Dan Lawrence's aggressive batting, playing for Surrey. Lawrence hammered Bashir for five consecutive sixes, a rare and costly feat in the sport.

The calamitous over continued with a series of misfortunes for Bashir, including a wide ball that went for five runs and an overstep that handed Lawrence an additional no-ball run and a single. Remarkably, Bashir managed to deliver a dot ball with his final delivery, but the damage had already been done. This performance tied the record for the most expensive over in the history of the County Championship, matching Alex Tudor's infamous over against Lancashire in 1998. The match also marked just the 12th first-class appearance for Bashir, who had made his England test debut earlier in the year.

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