Katie Archibald Out of Paris Olympics Due to Freak Garden Accident

British track cyclist Katie Archibald will miss the Paris Olympics after breaking her leg in a garden accident. She dislocated her ankle, broke her tibia and fibula, and tore two ligaments. Despite surgery to repair the damage, Archibald confirmed she will not be participating in the Olympic team.

Reuters | London | Updated: 20-06-2024 18:17 IST | Created: 20-06-2024 18:17 IST
Katie Archibald Out of Paris Olympics Due to Freak Garden Accident
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British track cyclist Katie Archibald will miss the Paris Olympics after breaking a leg in a freak garden accident, she said on Thursday. The 30-year-old explained on Instagram that she had tripped over a step on Tuesday and dislocated her ankle, breaking the tibia and fibula and ripping two ligaments off the bone.

"Had surgery yesterday to pin the bones back together and reattach the ligaments," she said. "Then hopefully this afternoon I'll be going home. "A hundred apologies for what this means for the Olympic team, which I've been told won't involve me," she added. "I'm still processing that bit of news, but thought I better confirm it publicly instead of leaving it to the grapevine."

Archibald, five times a world champion, won team pursuit gold at Rio de Janeiro in 2016 and Madison gold at the delayed Tokyo Olympics in 2021. She had targeted three golds in Paris in the team pursuit, Madison and omnium.

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