Contentious Plan to Save Spotted Owls: Barred Owl Cull

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposes a controversial plan to save imperiled spotted owls by culling up to 450,000 barred owls over 30 years. The strategy aims to protect spotted owl populations in Oregon, Washington, and California, amid criticism from wildlife advocates. Final decision awaits a 30-day comment period.

PTI | Washington DC | Updated: 04-07-2024 01:04 IST | Created: 04-07-2024 01:04 IST
Contentious Plan to Save Spotted Owls: Barred Owl Cull
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In a bid to save the imperiled spotted owl, U.S. wildlife officials have proposed a contentious plan that involves culling nearly half a million barred owls in the dense forests of the West Coast.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service detailed the strategy, which could see up to 450,000 barred owls shot over three decades to preserve spotted owl populations in Oregon, Washington, and California.

Wildlife advocates and conservationists are divided over the plan, reminiscent of past efforts to save other endangered species by targeting predator populations.

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