Tragedy in Virar: Elderly Woman Crushed by Fallen Tree, Body Found Days Later

A 70-year-old woman named Manjula Jha was crushed to death after a tree fell on her in Virar, Maharashtra. Her body remained unnoticed and was discovered days later following complaints of a foul smell. Family had lodged a missing person's report before she was found by rescue teams.

PTI | Palghar | Updated: 22-06-2024 12:30 IST | Created: 22-06-2024 12:30 IST
Tragedy in Virar: Elderly Woman Crushed by Fallen Tree, Body Found Days Later
Elderly Woman
  • Country:
  • India

An elderly woman, 70-year-old Manjula Jha, met a tragic end when she was crushed by a falling tree in Virar, Maharashtra. Unnoticed at first, her body was discovered days later, following local complaints of an unpleasant odor.

According to officials, the incident occurred on June 19, when Manjula left her home at 6.30 am to visit a nearby temple. When she didn't return by late night, her worried family launched a frantic search. Her son eventually filed a missing person's report at Arnala police station.

Two days later, the residents' complaints about a foul smell led to the discovery of her partially decomposed body under the collapsed tree by the National Disaster Response Force. An accidental death case has been registered, and her body has been sent for post-mortem.

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