Gaza's Growing Health Crisis: War's Lingering Impact on Water and Sanitation

More than eight months of war in Gaza have severely damaged essential infrastructure, leaving residents in squalid conditions. Lack of clean water, sanitation facilities, and medical supplies are escalating health risks like hepatitis A and cholera. Aid efforts are in progress, but relief is slow and insufficient.

PTI | Deiral-Balah | Updated: 27-06-2024 10:22 IST | Created: 27-06-2024 10:22 IST
Gaza's Growing Health Crisis: War's Lingering Impact on Water and Sanitation
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Children in Gaza's crowded tent camps scramble over mounds of garbage and wade through sewage-contaminated water. With scant facilities to relieve themselves and no clean water nearby, hygiene has reached a crisis point.

The relentless summer heat has exacerbated the already grim conditions for Palestinians, who now face not only the omnipresent threats of hunger and bombings, but also the unbearable stench and filth of their environment.

Eight brutal months of warfare have decimated Gaza's ability to manage waste and provide clean water, worsening living conditions and posing significant health risks. Cases of Hepatitis A are rising, and doctors warn that cholera outbreaks are looming without urgent interventions.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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