Global Voices Demand Climate Action: The People's Climate Vote 2024

The People's Climate Vote 2024, a collaboration between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the University of Oxford, reveals overwhelming public concern about climate change. The survey, conducted in 77 countries with over 73,000 respondents, highlights the increasing worry, daily contemplation, and significant life decisions influenced by climate change. It calls for stronger climate commitments, rapid fossil fuel transition, better protection from extreme weather, more action on nature, enhanced climate education, and international collaboration.

CoE-EDP, VisionRICoE-EDP, VisionRI | Updated: 21-06-2024 17:05 IST | Created: 21-06-2024 17:05 IST
Global Voices Demand Climate Action: The People's Climate Vote 2024
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As climate change accelerates, public anxiety and demand for action are reaching unprecedented levels. This is the striking conclusion of the People's Climate Vote 2024, the largest-ever public opinion survey on climate change, conducted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the University of Oxford. Surveying over 73,000 individuals across 77 countries, this extensive study provides a snapshot of global attitudes towards climate change, revealing deep-seated concerns and a clear call for more decisive action from world leaders.

Growing Concern Across the Globe

The survey highlights a significant increase in climate-related worry among the global population. More than half (53%) of respondents reported being more worried about climate change than they were a year ago. This concern is even more pronounced in Least Developed Countries (LDCs), where 59% of people expressed increased anxiety. Countries like Fiji, Afghanistan, Mexico, and Turkey are at the forefront of this growing unease, with over 75% of their populations reporting heightened worry.

Women, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean, are more likely to be increasingly worried about climate change. Older generations, too, are showing a marked increase in concern, a shift from previous trends where younger people were more likely to voice climate anxieties.

Climate Change Influencing Daily Lives

The impact of climate change extends beyond worry, affecting daily thoughts and significant life decisions. Over half of the global population (56%) think about climate change daily or weekly, with the highest levels of daily awareness in the Arab States, Latin America, and Sub-Saharan Africa. In Uganda, Sudan, and El Salvador, the daily contemplation of climate change is particularly high.

Furthermore, climate change is influencing major life decisions for a substantial portion of the population. Approximately 69% of people report that climate change affects decisions such as where to live, work, or what to buy. This influence is more pronounced in LDCs and Small Island Developing States (SIDS), where environmental changes are more immediate and severe.

Extreme Weather and Country Efforts

The survey reveals that nearly half of the respondents (43%) experienced worse-than-usual extreme weather events in the past year. Countries like Algeria, Spain, and Turkey have reported some of the most significant worsening of extreme weather. This experience of extreme weather correlates with increased climate worry and impacts daily decision-making.

Public perception of national efforts to combat climate change is mixed. Around 49% of people believe their countries are doing well, with high approval rates in Saudi Arabia, Bhutan, and Ethiopia. However, there is widespread skepticism about the role of big businesses, with only 39% thinking they are effectively addressing climate change.

Call for Stronger Action and Collaboration

The People's Climate Vote 2024 sends a clear message to policymakers: the public demands stronger climate commitments. A substantial 80% of respondents want their countries to enhance their climate action plans. There is also significant support for a rapid transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, with 72% of people advocating for this shift.

The demand for better protection against extreme weather is high, with 78% calling for more robust measures. Additionally, 81% of respondents believe their countries should do more to protect and restore nature. Education on climate change is also a priority, with 80% advocating for more climate education in schools.

The survey underscores the need for international collaboration, with 86% of respondents urging countries to work together on climate issues despite other disagreements. There is also strong support for richer countries to help poorer nations address climate challenges, with 79% in favor.

The People's Climate Vote 2024 highlights the urgent need for global action on climate change. It reflects widespread public concern and a strong desire for more robust climate commitments, effective actions, and international cooperation. As policymakers prepare for upcoming climate negotiations, these insights provide a vital roadmap for addressing the climate crisis and meeting the expectations of the global population.

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