Bonsai Enthusiast Grows 2,500 Mini-Forest on Terrace

Sohanlal Dwivedi, a retired government employee from Jabalpur, has created a 2,500 bonsai mini-forest on his terrace. His collection features 40 plant varieties, including peepal and banyan. Dwivedi, who has practiced bonsai gardening for 40 years, shares his knowledge with students and forest officials for free.

PTI | Bhopal | Updated: 19-06-2024 11:07 IST | Created: 19-06-2024 11:07 IST
Bonsai Enthusiast Grows 2,500 Mini-Forest on Terrace
  • Country:
  • India

Sohanlal Dwivedi, a retired government employee from Madhya Pradesh's Jabalpur, has transformed his terrace into a captivating 'mini-forest' with about 2,500 bonsai, including species like peepal and banyan.

"I have been doing bonsai gardening for the last 40 years," the 74-year-old former MP State Electricity Board employee disclosed to PTI. Dwivedi's expansive collection features 40 different plant and tree varieties, including 25 sub-groups of the ficus species.

With a passion for nurturing nature, Dwivedi provides free guidance to students and forest department officials on bonsai cultivation techniques. He attributes his prolific collection to his love for traveling and collecting unique plants. Despite the sweltering heatwave, Dwivedi remains dedicated to maintaining his green oasis.

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