Relentless Heatwave Sizzles Northern India Amid Slow Monsoon Progress

A severe heatwave gripped parts of Northern India, including the national capital, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar, with temperatures exceeding 46 degrees Celsius. Buxar in Bihar recorded the highest temperature at 47.2 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, the slow advance of the southwest monsoon offered no immediate relief.

PTI | New Delhi | Updated: 13-06-2024 22:41 IST | Created: 13-06-2024 22:41 IST
Relentless Heatwave Sizzles Northern India Amid Slow Monsoon Progress
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A relentless heatwave has gripped the northern regions of India, including the national capital Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar, pushing temperatures beyond 46 degrees Celsius at several locations. On Thursday, Buxar in Bihar took the lead with a sizzling 47.2 degrees Celsius, markedly 8.9 degrees above the seasonal normal.

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has projected a 4 per cent deficit in cumulative monsoon rains for the first 12 days of the season. Northwest India, particularly, suffered a significant 53 per cent shortfall in rainfall. Conversely, Southern India benefited from 60 per cent more rainfall than usual during the June 1-12 period.

According to the IMD, conditions may improve for the southwest monsoon's progression by June 19. However, the Madden Julian Oscillation or the monsoon pulse is expected to remain weak, limiting convective activity and cyclone formation over the north Indian Ocean in the immediate future.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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